Meet TAO and Lamy!


The TAO Project has two new friendly faces! TAO and Lamy have jumped on board the TAO Project, and will be accompanying us, teachers and students throughout this journey to tackle adolescent obesity.

“Tackling Adolescent Obesity and promoting inclusion through nutrition trainings for disadvantaged youth”. The project, coordinated by Safe Advocacy Europe, has a duration of 30 months and aims to train adolescent students in the last stages of secondary education (aged 15 to 18) and educators to pursue healthy diets and help them to make better decisions about the food they consume. As project partner, ECOG will carry out, in coordination with other organisations involved, the development and review of the educational material for the schools.

If you are in contact with secondary schools and wish to know more and how to get involved, please let us now.

SAFE – Safe Food Advocacy Europe is financially supported by the European Union within the framework of the European Commission’s Erasmus + Programme. Contents and opinions expressed on this website do not reflect the official opinion of the European Union and are the sole responsibility of SAFE. 


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